What To Do Every Hour To Lose Weight All Day, Fast: Around-The-Clock Weight Loss

What To Do Every Hour To Lose Weight All Day, Fast: Around-The-Clock Weight Loss

Losing Weight isn’t all about changing one of your daily habits, like going for a long walk or replacing your dessert with fruits – it is more about making countless healthy choices all day long and repeating it every day. Because of the busy schedule, many of us hardly gets time to do any especial physical activity to lose weight. Even if you have a busy schedule, every hour can help you bring closer to your weight goal. When you wake up tomorrow, follow the below around-the-clock guide to feeling slimmer in one day only:

6 A.M.: Wake up and fill yourself with a big glass of water. It helps prevent belly float. Start you day with a small snack like half a banana along with some almonds. You can take anything else if you like, but it should offer quick carbohydrate and a little protein. Now, if you have some time, go work out! It has been proved, morning exercisers tend to work out more intensely and longer than any other times of the day. Additionally, it keeps you active all day long, so you can burn more calories. If you don’t have time, then do some stretches in the time.

7 A.M.: Eat a filling breakfast that contains at least 10g each of protein and fiber. Don’t forbid yourself from eating healthy carbs in your breakfast – you will have enough time to burn them off later.

8 A.M.: Prepare your lunch for later. If you don’t have time, then plan your lunch earlier so that you don’t end up eating higher calories. Your lunch should include low-fat protein, fresh veggies, fiber, whole grains. If you are still hungry then you can pick some fruits for dessert.

READ:  11 Healthy Foods You Should Never Eat When Trying To Lose Weight

9 A.M.: Once you reach your work, fill your reusable water bottle. Throughout the morning, sip it so as to prevent hunger pangs.

10 A.M.: If hungry, snack some belly-filling fiber. Your snack should be under 150 calories like you can opt for some strawberries if you like.

11 A.M.: Checkout how many calories you have taken so far and how many exercises you have done. So as to have an idea how many calories you may take in the rest of the day.

12 P.M.: Now, it’s time to get moving. Go for a walk or for a bike ride or do some strength training moves.

1 P.M.: Lunch time. Eat a healthy lunch that you have packed from your home or your planned lunch that includes low-fat protein and some fresh veggies. Replace your glass of coke with a caloriefree beverage.

2 P.M.: How about an afternoon walk! Walk for your meeting or to your colleague’s desk to discuss or chit-chat. Else if you are on the phone or need to think something about your work then walk and talk or think so that you can burn some calories as well.

3 P.M.: Have a snack of around 150 calories to fill you till dinner. It can be anything of your choice -maybe a 150 calorie-desert. It will prevent you from overeating later.

4 P.M.: Replace your cup of coffee with some green tea. It will increase your metabolism, give a little pep and suppress your appetite.

5 P.M.: Walk home from work. You can also bike if you want. It will burn some calories as well as it may also relieve your work stress.

READ:  11 Simple Ways to Lose Weight Naturally

6 P.M.: Prepare a low-calorie dinner. Your dinner should contain low-fat protein, whole grains and most importantly veggies. When you’re done with your dinner, don’t sit down to eat the leftovers. Try to keep your dinner under 300 calories, if you want to lose fast. Choose something that is more in quantity and lesser in calories.

7 P.M.: Brush your teeth while doing some easy-to-go workout. The minty and fresh breath will impede you from late-night snacking.

8 P.M.: Relax in front of the TV or do something else that you like. Meanwhile, if you get time do some strength training moves.

9 P.M.: Get ready for tomorrow morning. Do some workout or yoga poses to encourage your sleepiness.

10 P.M.: It’s bedtime. This is the perfect time to hit the rack. It has been proved enough sleep help in weight loss.

Take Baby Steps for Small, Daily Wins. For a highly busy schedule, it is not possible to strictly follow the above-mentioned schedules. Instead of doing all these hourly guide at once, try to fit these one by one in your schedule. Once you these hourly goals form a habit, it will become a part of daily life and of your lifestyle. Set smaller goals for the bigger results.


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Akasuki's writing is fueled by her twin passions for health and travel.
