Don’t Have Time To Lose Weight? This Will Change Your Mind!

Don’t Have Time To Lose Weight? This Will Change Your Mind!

Things become difficult with some people who works full time. Their busy schedule doesn’t let them shed extra fat from their body. What if your diet plans help you lose some weight without even disturbing your schedules. You would never lose weight if you don’t start working for it. It’s easy to gain some fat but when it comes to burning some fat, we start making some excuses (which in many cases are true but excuse only). Remember,

Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes.”

Jenny, a 29-year old lady works full time in an office. Each week, she sat for around 40 hours or even more at her desk. She also works part-time online and attends night classes to complete her master’s degree. She used to leave her house at 5 A.M. and returns at 10 P.M. Her busy schedule was between her will to lose weight. She knew if she continues to make excuses she would never lose weight. After few weeks of a diet plan, she lost 22 Pounds of weight without even dieting. Here’s what she did, that may work for you too:

Schedule Your Workouts

Keep yourself organized. Use a planner to jot down your daily activities from office projects to grocery lists to some other deadlines. Write down everything including your workouts (if you do workouts). On Sat or Sun, whenever you’re free, spend some of your time in scheduling your workouts for the week that you couldn’t miss just like other obligations.

Think Of Your Workouts As Important Meetings You Have scheduled With Yourself. Bosses Don’t Cancel.”

Exercise In The Morning

There is rarely a bad time to exercise, however, it has been proven that Morning Exercise burns more calories. Moreover, Evening Events, Late Meetings or Happy Hour with friends may ruin your evening workout plan. This is why it has been said:

READ:  7 Exercises for Improving Health and Achieving Weight Loss

Exercise in the Morning before Your Brain Figures out What You’re Doing.

It will keep you fit whole day and eventually your excuses of skipping exercise will burst up. Even if you are a morning person, you might find morning exercises to be difficult. But once you start noticing the difference in your body weight, you will form a habit. Do it and it will eventually become your routine that you won’t be able to skip!

Plan &/or Pack Your Lunch

On the weekend, plan whole week’s easy and quick-to-pack lunches. It will help you control the calories you take in. Lunch could be any healthy food, like a whole wheat sandwich with veggies or you may also pack leftovers from dinner. It is the best way to save time and consume lesser calories.

Instead of buying a pizza nearby, you quick-to-pack lunches will keep you full and will also let you take lesser calories and healthy food. You can skip it once in a while but don’t make any excuse for not packing healthy lunch.

Keep Healthy Snacks At Work

Don’t Have Time Lose Weight
Photo: Pixabay/Public Domain Pictures

Keep healthy snacks options at your desk. So that when you feel hungry instead of grabbing a cookie from your colleague’s desk or hitting the vending machine for some chips, eat the fresh fruits or healthy snacks that from your box.

For Snacks, you can pick some strawberries, a small size banana, almonds, hard-boiled egg, or anything similar. Eat your snack only if you feel hungry and eat something that can fill you for longer in lesser calories.

READ:  How to Lose Weight Fast and Safely

Track The Calories You Take In

Keep a paper pen food journal or install any mobile application for calculating all the calories you take in. Paper and Pen Journal may consume your time while an app will hardly take a minute or two. Don’t underestimate the portion sizes. The cookie you grab from your colleague’s desk or the French fries you tasted from friends lunch box, whatever you eat write it. It will give you an idea how much you serve yourself and how many calories you burn.

Eating Clean Will Make You Lean

Walk, Walk & Walk

Even if you have a lot of works, walk to your colleague’s desk to discuss something, or walk when you are on any call. Walk whenever you get a chance. Invite your colleagues to walk with you to take a short break. Depending upon the time you have to walk for up to 4 miles or more so as to burn all the calories, you consume. The more you walk, the fitter your body will be.

Abide By One Drink Rule

Alcohol stands between you and your shapely body, especially beer. Happy hours with friends put you in trouble with your weight. Limit your booze to once in a week. Don’t indulge yourself with the oily and high-calorie snacks while drinking. Replace your pizza plate with few salty almonds or anything of a lesser calorie.

Remember, Excuses Don’t Burn Calories

Never underestimate your power to change yourself. If some people like Jenny can lose weight instead of her such a busy schedule then why can’t you. It is difficult to change your lifestyle with a busy schedule but once you do it, it will form a habit and would gradually become a part of your life. So, include these tips in your daily life like other obligations and get fit in your dream dress.

READ:  11 Healthy Foods You Should Never Eat When Trying To Lose Weight


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Akasuki's writing is fueled by her twin passions for health and travel.
